COMMON PRACTICE VETERINARY, SURGERY: clinics and shelters in Andalucia, home visits, horse centres in Granada. From October 2020 to present.

Functions: spaying and neutering of dogs and cats, removal of tumors, enucleation of eyeballs, bowel and bladder surgery, hernias, wounds, skin grafts, spleenectomy, caesarean section, abdominal ultrasound, teeth filing, colic, consults.

COMMON PRACTICE VETERINARY, SURGERY: Ivan Fillmor Veterinary Hospital, St. Petersburg, Russia, 10 years.

Functions: surgery of the soft tissues in dogs, cats and  ferrets, municipal program of castration of the homeless dogs, ultrasound research, anaesthesia, administrative tasks, teaching in training modules, consultations.

FIELD VETERINARY: equestrian and equine centres in St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya region, Russia, 10 years.

Duties: minor surgery, teeth filing, mesotherapy, colic, forging and training consults, blood collection, administrative work for certification and sports federation.


KARL STORZ courses, rigid and flexible endoscopy in dogs and cats, Moscow, 100 hours.

Intensive practical course KARL STORZ, advanced level, KARL STORZ reference center, Kurgan, Russia, 56 hours.

Ultrasound course, Kiev, 120 hours.

Internships in several veterinary clinics in France.

Conferences and veterinary congresses, various topics, constantly.


I can assist you in: Spanish, English and Russian.

MOBILE: +34 613504762
EMAIL: into@nomadavet-ole.es
License Number: 0123701171


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